

来源:证券之星   发布时间:2024-06-26 03:46   阅读量:13266   

Welcome to Day 1 of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024. After five years, the Summer Davos Forum is once again partnering with Dalian for the 8th time, drawing the world's attention to this city.

Dalian International Conference Center is the main venue for this year's Summer Davos Forum. Under the 2024 theme of Next Frontiers for Growth, the meeting is bringing together approximately 1,600 guests from nearly 80 countries and regions, to explore new drivers and pathways for global economic growth in over 200 sub-forums.

Let's hear what the attendees have to say about today's Opening Plenary.

Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

China has a leadership role at the UN, in the G20, and in many other places. In the G20, there is a question of what we do with the climate agenda. China needs to lead in that. And we have a great new envoy from China. So we hope to achieve that 1.5°C world, which means emissions down, it means more resources for adaptation. How can we find China's support in making sure that there is governance in the financial sector that will allow more resources to come for developing countries to use?

Busi Mabuza, Chairperson of Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa

I was struck by the indication that the Premier gave that 50% of China's energy sources are now from renewable energy. So, while everybody has been talking about needing to move to renewable cleaner energy, China has been implementing it. Therefore, half of your energy now comes from clean energy.

Of course, we did see China start growing its renewable energy equipment, businesses, and technology, but I didn't realize that this was already being implemented in the country. It's very visible on the road because electric vehicles are everywhere. Any parking lot that a person goes to has charging stations. This is very pleasing.

I was also struck by his commitment to the market economy. The Premier said China wants open markets. He was very clear that China plays by the rules and plays fair. China wants an open market economy. It shows in every way possible when one walks in the streets.

Yesterday, I was in a meeting with potential partners, and I hope, of course, that the partnership will result in investment in South Africa.

Kent Liu, President of Sino-German Innovation Institute, Chairman of PQi Group

When I attended the main forum this morning, I think the Prime Minister's speech has given us confidence. He mentioned that China is expected to achieve a growth rate of 5% this year. I think this shows the world the new trend of China's economic development. I believe it also instills confidence in Chinese entrepreneurs.

Also, I think a more important highlight of this forum is that China takes up its responsibilities as a major country. The Prime Minister mentioned that we welcome entrepreneurs and guests from all over the world. Particularly, we also see that China has implemented a visa-free policy for so many countries. We see more and more foreigners at airports and in many other places.

I've just returned from abroad. I feel that Chinese entrepreneurs have more courage to go global, such as investing abroad. So I feel the biggest manifestation of this event is China's new confidence. In the face of the current difficulties, I think we're ready for them.

The second point is innovation. The word "innovation" has often been mentioned in the Prime Minister's speech. In other words, innovation is an important part of entrepreneurship. We should achieve new quality productive forces, upgrade the traditional, and integrate into the world's innovation trend. I think the future of China's economy is promising.

Turpin, Dominique V, Professor of Marketing, CEIBS

I think it's extremely important that we continue to talk to each other because we have a lot of frictions happening right now, politically and economically, between China, Europe, and the United States. In this tense moment, I think communication is more important than ever. I also think that mutual respect is equally important. So, I think that if we have these two, continuous communication and mutual respect, things will get much better.

I think we have a duty to be optimistic because, I'm a professor, I'm the president of a big business school. If we have a negative or pessimistic message, I think this would not help. So, we have a duty of this optimism. And I think there are reasons for optimism. As long as people continue to talk to each other, I think we should be okay.

Sabrina Torgan, Chief Financial Officer of Phage Lab Chile

I really like the speech of the Prime Minister of China. I think he is totally right when he talks about embracing innovation to the next frontiers, to the new frontiers of the world. We have to join hands with all other countries in the world, to create a bigger pie, and then share a bigger slice of it.

For us to change, we are a biotech company from Chile, and we really believe in science. We believe that science will change the growth of the world, leading to a greener and better world to live in. We need to embrace and work together on that. I think he was also happy to share that we need to focus on both short-term and long-term incentives for that.

We are all facing problems after COVID, and we have to work on economic growth in the short term, but we can never forget long-term incentives. We have to work on this because we want to create a better world for our children and for society. I think he was happy about this part, and we totally agree with that. The sci-tech footprint needs to increase, and we need to connect it to industries. That point is important. We need to promote this kind of connection between science, industries, and production. Only then will we have a better and greener world.

This is my first time attending the summer Davos, and I am happy to be here. We are here to share our thoughts on biotech, science, AI, and how we can connect this to other countries, and bring our technology to the world. China is investing a lot in biotech. Our biggest market is China, which is also embracing technologies like the ones we are working on. We work with bacteriophages, which are cousins of viruses, to fight bacteria and bacterial resistance.

I think China is a country that embraces this kind of technology. We see a lot of phage companies and phage studies, and phage science here in China. I think we can share a lot with China and with other countries in the world, also connecting our technology with AI technologies and platforms.




新媒体统筹:丁青云 曾婷芳 赖禧 黄达迅

海外运营监制: 黄燕淑

海外运营内容统筹: 黄子豪

海外运营编辑:庄欢 吴婉婕 龙李华 张伟韬





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